Change of Campus

Penn State has 24 campuses around Pennsylvania, including University Park. You can start your education at any campus around the Commonwealth and, depending on your major, finish at a Commonwealth Campus or at University Park.

If you want to change your campus location - either temporarily or indefinitely - you meet with a College of Engineering adviser at University Park or a campus representative.

In general, if you are currently at a Commonwealth Campus you are to stay at your location until you either officially enter a University Park major or until you are no longer able to make reasonable progress with your intended major at the campus you are currently attending. For the majority of majors at the majority of campuses, you can make adequate progress for four semesters before moving to University Park.

However, certain students will need to move earlier. Please review the sample academic plans for the campus to see when students who are on track for a given major typically move to University Park. If you have not completed the prerequisites for the courses recommended for your intended first semester at University Park you will not be approved for an early change of campus.

If you have a legitimate academic need for an early change of campus to University Park, you should discuss the situation with your adviser. Upon the concurrence of the College of Engineering Campus Contact and Referral Representative, the request must be officially made through LionPATH. For more information about change of campus, please refer to the Office of the University Registrar’s Change of Campus website.

Please note: If you are simply planning to take summer courses at a campus other than your own you do not have to ask for a change of campus.



The Engineering Advising Center (EAC) serves as the academic advising resource for students in pre-major status (ENGR) at University Park. Once students have been admitted to a College of Engineering major, they will be assigned to a faculty adviser in that major.

Engineering Advising Center

109 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-863-1033