Transferring with a High Number of Credits

Students who wish to change from another Penn State major or transfer from another institution to an available College of Engineering undergraduate major should consider the following conditions:

  • No more than 91 credits earned while enrolled at a Penn State college other than the College of Engineering or at another institution may be applied to degrees granted by the College of Engineering (Faculty Senate Policy 37-00).
  • At least 24 credits of 300- and 400-level courses stipulated under “requirements for the major” must be completed at University Park. The 24 credits must include the capstone design course(s) required for the major.
  • Common numbered courses (such as X94, X95, X96, X97, X98, and X99) may not automatically count toward the major. The use of such courses to meet degree requirements shall be determined by the undergraduate program coordinator for the major.
  • Waivers of and exceptions to General Education requirements approved by other Penn State colleges may not automatically be approved by the College of Engineering.
  • All course substitution requests must be accompanied by documentation that describes the course.
  • Requests for re-enrollment to or change of major to an available College of Engineering undergraduate major after having earned at least 91 credits in another Penn State college must have the support of the major department and be accompanied by an academic plan for completion of the degree before approval will be considered. Academic performance in courses considered relevant to the major will be taken into consideration when considering requests for a change of major or re-enrollment for a sequential major.


The Engineering Advising Center (EAC) serves as the academic advising resource for students in pre-major status (ENGR) at University Park. Once students have been admitted to a College of Engineering major, they will be assigned to a faculty adviser in that major.

Engineering Advising Center

109 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-863-1033