Special Academic Considerations

ROTC Credits

Regardless of whether or not you are commissioned, if you complete Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) courses for your ROTC program may substitute three ROTC credits for the GHA requirement and three ROTC credits for a course designated by their major department. 

If you plan carefully, successful completion of the ROTC program can also lead to a minor in military studies. Please work closely with your academic adviser and ROTC officers. You must get a signed schedule plan and review it with your assigned faculty adviser. If you have not been admitted into a major, please meet with your faculty adviser in the Engineering Advising Center. If you are at a Commonwealth Campus, please meet with the proper advising resource at your campus

Please note: If you leave the ROTC program before all the courses are completed or before your graduating semester, you may not use any ROTC course work to substitute for a degree requirement.

For more information about Penn State's ROTC program, visit their website.



The Engineering Advising Center (EAC) serves as the academic advising resource for students in pre-major status (ENGR) at University Park. Once students have been admitted to a College of Engineering major, they will be assigned to a faculty adviser in that major.

Engineering Advising Center

109 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-863-1033