Policies for Returning to the University

Re-enrollment Policy

The process of re-enrollment is required of all students who have who have withdrawn from a semester or were not registered for a semester and wish to enroll again. Lack of registration during a leave of absence or in a summer session does not require re-enrollment. Students reinstated to degree status after being in non-degree conditional status must also go through the process of re-enrollment.

The request for re-enrollment is initiated in the Office of the University Registrar with a phone or written request. Re-enrollment may require the approval of the Assistant Dean, depending on the academic status and major of the student. Approval for re-enrollment will normally be given to students who were in good academic standing in the College of Engineering and wish to return. Requests for re-enrollment in the College of Engineering by students who were not previously in the College will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Only students in degree status and in good academic standing are eligible for re-enrollment in the College of Engineering. Re-enrollment cannot be used to gain entrance to a major that is under enrollment control unless the student had already been admitted to the major.

Reinstatement to Degree Status

You may be reinstated to degree status only if, in the judgment of the College of Engineering, academic conditions justify such an action. You can demonstrate your efforts to overcome academic problems by successfully completing credit courses offered by the University through resident instruction, distance or continuing education, or World Campus, and through discussion with an adviser since each academic unit has specific conditions for reinstatement. 

At minimum, the following conditions must be met for consideration of reinstatement:

  • The number of grade-point deficiencies is reduced by at least half of the maximum number.
  • All criteria specific to you and your major, if you've previously been accepted into a College of Engineering major, have been successfully met.
  • You've completed and submitted the College's reinstatement request form
  • You've submitted a reinstatement application to the Office of the University Registrar and paid the appropriate fees.

For more information about the reinstatement process, including special circumstances if you are already been admitted to your major, please contact an academic adviser

Academic Renewal

If you haven't taken courses at Penn State - in any form or at any location - for at least four years, you are eligible to apply for academic renewal. Academic renewal is intended for those students whose cumulative GPA at Penn State is less than 2.00 and is therefore not academically eligible for re-enrollment into degree status.

Academic renewal means that upon re-enrollment your GPA will start anew. The grades for courses you took prior to academic renewal will remain on your transcript but you will only earn credits toward degree requirements for those courses that you earned a minimum grade of C.

Academic renewal to the College of Engineering is not normally granted to students who were not in the College of Engineering at the time of their original enrollment.

If you are seeking academic renewal, you must contact the Office of the University Registrar to being the process. For more information about academic renewal, please contact the Office of Student Affairs.



The Engineering Advising Center (EAC) serves as the academic advising resource for students in pre-major status (ENGR) at University Park. Once students have been admitted to a College of Engineering major, they will be assigned to a faculty adviser in that major.

Engineering Advising Center

109 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-863-1033