COVID-19 Entrance to Major Accommodations

Updated on May 19, 2020

We are providing guidance as you consider how optional alternative grading might impact Entrance to Major (ETM). This message reiterates accommodations the College of Engineering (COE) is providing to help students qualify for majors, links to a portal you can use to request a review of unique ETM situations, and describes several different scenarios to assist you in making the decision whether or not to use optional alternative grading.

Specifically, guidance is provided here for students who:

(1)  Are conditionally admitted to their COE major

(2)  Started the spring 2020 semester in the credit window

(3)  Will enter the ETM window after spring or summer 2020

(4)  Will not enter the credit window until next year

Please see below for details that apply to you.

(1)  I was conditionally accepted into my major (I was in my last ETM course(s) in the Spring 2020 semester)

I earned an A, B, C, or SAT grade in my last ETM course(s): A, B, C, or SAT grade will satisfy ETM requirements.

I earned a D, F, V, Z, or LD in my last ETM course(s) and I will be out of the credit window: COE will grant you an additional semester to complete the ETM course(s) you were taking during spring 2020; you will remain conditionally accepted to your major and will need to earn a C or better in the course(s) the following semester, as well as maintaining the required cumulative GPA for the major you want. Please make your request to be considered for a COE COVID-19 ETM exception using this portal.

I am concerned about my GPA: You can choose to use alternative grading for any course you feel would impact your GPA.

(2)  I was in the credit window at the start of the Spring 2020 semester

I earned an A, B, C, or SAT grade in an ETM course this semester: A, B, C, or SAT grade will satisfy ETM requirements.

I earned a D, F, V, Z, or LD in an ETM course this semester: You can repeat the course next semester and conditionally declare your major as long as you are still in the credit window, finished the spring 2020 semester with the required cumulative GPA for the major you want, and have any remaining ETM courses completed with a C or better on your Penn State schedule next semester.

I am concerned about my GPA: If you are in a position where alternative grade choices would keep you in the credit window AND raise your cumulative GPA to the level required for the major you want, but you would prefer to keep additional earned letter grades, please make your request to be considered for a COE COVID-19 ETM exception using this portal.

(3)  I will enter the credit window after the completion of this semester

I earned an A, B, C, or SAT grade in an ETM course this semester: A, B, C, or SAT grade will satisfy ETM requirements.

I earned a D, F, V, Z, or LD in an ETM course this semester: You can repeat the course next semester and conditionally declare your major as long as you also have the required cumulative GPA for the major you want and have any remaining ETM courses completed with a C or better on your Penn State schedule next semester.

I am concerned about my GPA: You can choose to use alternative grading for any courses you feel would impact your GPA.

(4)  I am not yet in the credit window

I earned a SAT grade in an ETM course this semester: SAT grade will satisfy ETM requirements.

I earned a D, F, V, Z, or LD in an ETM course this semester: You can repeat the course next semester. And if poor performance in the spring 2020 semester is the primary reason in a future semester that you do not qualify for the COE major you wish to pursue, the College will approve an additional semester for you to meet the ETM requirements.

I am concerned about my GPA: You can choose to use alternative grading for any courses you feel would impact your GPA.

To assist with answering common questions, we have built a COE COVID-19 ETM Accommodations Frequently Asked Questions related to this special set of ETM accommodations. This page will be updated regularly based on the questions we receive. But as always, we encourage you to discuss your individual circumstances with your academic adviser.

spring 2020 e t m frequently asked questionsregular e t m requirementssubmit questions3-exemption-engineering-penn-state.jpg


The Engineering Advising Center (EAC) serves as the academic advising resource for students in pre-major status (ENGR) at University Park. Once students have been admitted to a College of Engineering major, they will be assigned to a faculty adviser in that major.

Engineering Advising Center

109 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-863-1033